Spices That Will Get You Biochemically In The Mood For Sex You Dont Know

You don’t need to be a herbalist or a nutritionist to know the benefits of spices to your sex life.
Spices act as performance enhancers and have aphrodisiacal, hormonal and vasodilation properties which all work together to get you biochemically in the mood.
You know how a healthy sex life gets one flourishing.
Now is the right time to look at the reality of spices as aphrodisiacs, if that’s not too bold a claim, but let’s just say romance enhancers (even if many are performance enhancers).
The cause and affect lies in the phytochemicals they contain — some of which act as hormonal stimulants, others are remarkable circulatory boosters and some even trigger endorphins to get you started on the euphoric spectrum.
So combined together, spices don’t just work to put you in the mood but they can contribute to physically facilitate some peak experiences.
Spices that are easily incorporated into our daily diets are picked in this regard.
Both black and white pepper were once revered as sexual stimulants — so much so that once upon a barbarian ransack, it was included it in the ransom demand — until pepper became so commonplace that the effect kind of wore off.
Some think the better digestion and absorption of nutrients that pepper facilitates makes one less bloated and feeling more sexy after a romantic meal.
Pepper does contain a chemical known as myristin which has vasodilatory and smooth muscle relaxant properties — two properties known to support arousal and the mechanics of an erection and vaginal contractions.
That doesn’t mean you should rub it on your body. Cook with it.
Ginger features on every aphrodisiacal list — the warmth of it engenders a sense of intimacy and so receptivity/interest ensues.
Ginger is also a circulatory aid and gets the blood to all the right places. Hot ginger syrup on homemade coconut or banana ice-cream can get you into all sorts of trouble.
Some see it as a vegetable and one to keep our immune system strong, but it’s also to be found dried in the spice section and it complements ginger in many dishes and bridges eastern and western cuisine.
As to its ‘spicier’ side — through its dilating action on blood vessels it is also known to contribute to stronger erections and greater vaginal and clitoral sensitivity— intensifying sexual experience and offering stronger orgasms to both partners.
So that’s a garlic starter, garlic main and do you do a garlicy dessert or tea?
While more a herb than a spice it’s apportioned a place on the spice rack and is very useful in helping neutralise the volatile oils in garlic that linger on the breathe without undermining its medicinal and ‘love life’ benefits.
Better still, parsley builds female libido and encourages hormones and neurotransmitters conducive to arousal and satisfaction-response.
Now is a good time to sow parsley seeds – that’s the obligatory nod to this being in the gardening section done. Seriously though, at least four of these seven you could try growing at home.
Cloves and cinnamon
Cloves have been utilised for centuries in eastern medicine to tone sexual muscle and intensify contractions – no wonder love is in its centre.
Cinnamon improves circulation, in traditional Chinese medicine a tincture of it known as Rou Gui or Gui Pi is a potent tonic to cure impotence.
Cinnamon can be a convulsive in high doses, so all you need is a tablespoon in your homemade apple pie or a teaspoon on your morning porridge — bearing in mind the added boost that porridge supplies – there is a reason they feed oats to stud stallions.
Curry is a common spice used in Africa and Mediterranean dishes. This warming spice is known to improve circulation which is good for facilitating blood flow to sex organs. It can be a strong spice that is either hit or miss for many. but has benefits it has on your sex drive.
Fenugreek seeds are most commonly used in South Asian dishes, but it’s also popular in Ayurvedic medicine as an anti-inflammatory, libido-boosting treatment.
It appears to contain compounds that the body can use to make sex hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone.
Saponins which can be found in fenugreek seeds play a role in increasing the production of testosterone, the male hormones, which, in turn, causes the raise in male libido.
In one small study, men given 600 mg of fenugreek extract per day for six weeks reported experiencing increased sexual arousal and more orgasms.
Similarly, a small study investigated the effects of a daily dose of 600 mg of fenugreek extract in women who had reported having a low sex drive.
Moreover, due to its influence on sex hormones, fenugreek may also interfere with the treatment of hormone-sensitive cancers
Last but not least saffron — the world’s most expensive spice.
It adds a bit of decadence to the affair but it has a long history as a potent aphrodisiac — somewhat narcotic and definitely fatal in high doses — so just a pinch in some clotted cream ready for the dip of some sexy strawberries or to bejewel a bed of rice, is all you will need.