10th March 2025
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ISCA offers educational review of Coronavirus to Nigerians

Following the devastating effect of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus and the risk the spread poses, Imo State Professionals under the aegis of Imo State Congress of America (ISCA) has offered its professional advise to the people of Imo State and Nigerians at large.

According to the Chairman of Health Committee of ISCA, Dr. Jovita Anyanwu, he said that President of the body, Engr. Sampson Udeh has asked that he issues an educational review and offer general recommendations.

In his review, Dr. Anyanwu noted that individual treatment and evaluation can only be given by consulting your physician.

“The Coronavirus is a common virus shaped like the crown that causes upper respiratory symptoms( Nose,Sinuses and upper throat)”.

“These infections are usually mild in healthy people. The symptoms are not different from the common colds. These viruses do have types that are spread from animals to animals. When they undergo mutation they may start infecting human beings.”

He said that there have been in the past out breaks caused by the coronavirus like
2003: SARS out break in China killing 774
2012: MERS outbreak in Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern countries killing 858

“Early 2020 the world health organization identified the new outbreak in Wuhan China and termed the subtype as Coronavirus n2019. Since then the virus has spread to other Asian countries, Europe, Australia, African and America resulting in many deaths that continues to rise daily.

“Just few days back, the World health organization declared the disease a Global health emergency”, he stated.

He reeled out the symptoms as:- Stuffy nose, sneezing, and or sore throat and fever.

On the Spread:- He said: “they are by coming in contact with an infected person or animal when they cough, sneeze or touching infected person’s hands or face or anything they touched like door knob.”

Prevention of Spread:-

Wash hands properly with soap and water or rub hands with rubbing alcohol where water and soap is not available.

Dr. Anyanwu who is a certified American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Specialist advised Imo state government offices and other establishments in Nigeria at large to provide rubbing alcohol and advised employees to use it after handshake or touching any possible exposed surface.
He continues:
-Everybody should keep their hands away from touching their eyes, nose and mouth
-Possible travel restrictions to China
-Screening of all international passengers
-Monitoring and contact restrictions of all arrivals from China and any other countries with high cases to be updated as data changes emerge
-Wearing mask and avoiding public places as well as limiting family contact
-Local physicians to document history of travel and initiate immediate contact isolation if indicated by history
-Imo health sector and every health department in the country should establish a reporting system and have health investigators follow up and restrict all possible contacts pending a period of observation and prompt reporting of symptoms

-Establish a standardized specimen collection and confirmation procedure to be followed by all providers at no cost to the citizen or the local doctor

Treatment- Most healthy people require
-Plenty of fluids
-Adequate Rest
-Tylenol or NSAIDs

Warning- He warned that High unremitting fever
Chest pain, difficulty in breathing, Altered mental status and severe symptoms require emergency evaluation.

He also outlined the following:
⁃ High risk group at developing complications like pneumonia, Sepsis and electrolyte imbalances are
⁃ #1. Elderly
⁃ #2. Very young
⁃ #3. Impaired immunity
⁃ #4. Congestive heart failure (CHF) and with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease COPD

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NewsTrack Nigeria

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