INSPIRATIONAL: From Computer Engineer to Nurse Practitioner, Okechukwu Nwosu Blazing The Trail

For good spirited Nigerians and Obafemi Awolowo University family, it is time they rolled out drums to celebrate one of her best who has in no little way invoked the Spirit of excellence in the academic world. His name is Okechukwu Nathan Nwosu.
Ironically, the young man was trained in Computer Engineering where he made his mark in the practice in Nigeria. Of course, he had a successful time working with some oil servicing firms in Nigeria, particularly in Port-Harcourt.
Many of his friends and associates would always remember that Okechukwu is God fearing. Rising from one of such spiritual exercise, he realized God had a different calling for him. Like Father Abraham, he did not hesitate to answer the call.
First was to ensure the family was stable and on the path God’s will. Without delving deeply into that journey of sacrifice, Okey went on to consummate in the Holy Matrimony, the love of his life, Nnenna Okechukwu (nee Wokocha).
Having laid the basic foundation, he rose in defiance to draw backs usually occasioned by life challenges to pursue his love for education in the United States of America. It was one resolve that sounded impossible but impossibility only exists in the dictionary of the lazy.
As fate would have it, having started off his second degree in Computer Engineering, but would later change his mind to settle for the noble profession of Nursing.
Today, he has not only achieved that dream but has capped it with a feather of Masters in Nursing from the prestigious University of Texas.
These stories are not told for the fun of it, it is to inspire us all. Today, Engineer-Nurse Okechukwu Nwosu has challenged most of us who are still hanging on the fence. Whatever Human mind can conceive is achievable. Most fictions are realities today.
According to the Biblical accounts, God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” It is not out of place to say that man is God because God made him in His own image and likeness.

Examples abound, we remember the former Head of State, Jack Gowon. We cannot forget that former Head of State and the first Nigerian President after many years of Military interregnum in 1999, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo who is today a Ph.D holder.

The present All Progressives Congress Chairman, Imo State chapter, Prince Marcellinus Nlemigbo tasked himself and resolved to get educated, today, he is not just a lawyer but he was called to Bar as Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria after he had turned 60 years.

Okechukwu truly is one of the most recent examples but it should serve as a tonic to us all that it is not about money but with faith, determination and sacrifices, there is nothing anyone cannot achieve.
Okechukwu is not just a Scientist; he is a technologist who has diverse knowledge to contribute to the development of the society.
This is one hard lesson to most people, who had, for the challenges of gaining admission into the high institution, settled for courses that were never their choice. In so far as one still has the energy and capacity to study, there is no end to learning. Hence, rather than wallow in confusion, the energy should be invested in another area of study that may profit the mind and the society with self-fulfillment.
From the foregoing, age cannot even be a barrier neither one’s foundation is a stumbling block because we have had those who self-educated themselves and became best lawyers Nigeria ever had.
Speaking with the Managing Editor of NewsTrack Nigeria (, Okechukwu while acknowledge the feat, he said it was not an easy task but one must go for he loves and what can also put food on the table.
“I had gone through a rigorous training in Computer Engineering in Obafemi Awolowo University. It was one course I also love because I felt I could use this to make life easier for mankind.
“My project that centered on security and designing soft wares that could ease off struggles in day to day activities.
“When I chose to travel to the United States, it was one decision that was inspired by God Himself seeking His face and obeying to other foundational things He instructed me. When I put my mind to it, lo and behold he sent helpers who miraculously obliged to help me.
“I enrolled for my Masters in Computer Engineering but in the course of this, I realized my love for saving lives. I also realized my fulfillment will come from medical practice. Unfortunately, people feel that I may have taken that decision because of money. It is not because Software development gives much more in the United States.
“I veered off, had my first degree in Nursing and today, I just bagged Masters in Nursing. It is about determination, commitment and focus and above all seek God’s grace.
We at NewsTrack Nigeria ( heartily rejoice with an achiever, great father, husband, gentleman and an authority is Nursing and Technology.
We pray God for sound health, long life and many more ground breaking fulfillment.
Okechukwu and many others like, we believe you have much more in stock to make the world a better place even at this time the dreaded Covid – 19 is ravaging societies.