6th March 2025
National News News Politics Viewpoint

Okorocha’s Uncomplimentary Comments On Madumere, An Indication Of A Frustrated Man

~Comrade Kenneth Isiuzor

When a man falls into a deep sea, he must struggle to make a move of escape. But in a big sea as Atlantic Ocean, it is impossible for a none swimmer to escape from being drowned. I think that is what Rochas Okorocha is passing through as a none swimmer.

In working out an escape rout to conquer the difficulty, efforts like shoutings, exclaiming, blaming, regrets, insult on suspected persons and so on will be made by the victim to have a leeway. All these are to show that he tried his best to escape before he finally died!

Regrettably, all these make-believe tactics, styles, and efforts will become in vain as he is already drowned! In struggling to evade the set backs, he will cast aspersions on some suspected innocent people whom he thinks caused his waterloo! This is current case of one Rochas Okorocha, an erstwhile Governor of Imo State.

There is difference between a drowning man and a drowned man. Rochas Okorocha is not struggling to be drowned, rather he is drowned already “iyi erie la ya”, hence, has no other option or remedy to overcome his travails.

Come to think of it, I am saddened to read interview one Rochas Okorocha granted with Sunday Sun newspapers, after going through the contents of the interview paragraph by paragraph, I carefully identified a struggled drowned man in him.

How? an interview that should have centered on his “achievements”, how he looted Imo state, how he forcefully and illegally converted states and individuals properties to personal use, how he tried to illegally unseal Spring Palm Hotel, he was busy using a former Deputy Governor, Prince Eze Madumere as reference point, with a view to regain strength.

It is surprising that Rochas Okorocha will continue to insult Eze Madumere after receiving the highest and biggest blow of his life from the same crowned Mbieri Prince.

This brings to known that a child who does not know a man that impregnated his mother, will never know the family he belongs.

The questions are; Is Rochas Okorocha really knowledgeable? Does he actually study history? I doubt he does, reason is that when a man makes a mistake too often, it becomes a choice. Perhaps, he has chosen an option of nonentity and ignorance!

Relax as we move on, how does it sound to Rochas Okorocha that the former Deputy Governor, Prince Eze Madumere who polished him for 18 yeas as personal Chief of Staff, 2 years as Public Chief of Staff and 6 years as Deputy Governor is not qualified to be a Local Government Chairman? Does he want us to believe him?

Is Rochas Okorocha drunk? Does he find joy in talking nonsense? How my broth how? What does he want Ndi-Imo and Nigerians to know or believe? Is he not embarrassing himself the more in the public?

We still recall that Rochas Okorocha suffered a heavy political blow during 2019 election from the Mbieri Prince after he widely said that Madumere does not have political relevance! When the Mbieri crowned Prince handled him in a David way, his political dynasty collapsed! I thought by now that action of Madumere should have taught him a lesson.

Going through the interview as captured:


At the time of your departure from office, people are saying that why didn’t you consider Madumere since it was the turn of Owerri Zone and having worked with you for over 20 years as a domestic staff, why didn’t you go for him rather than Ugwumba Uche Nwosu?

Well, I tell you, Madumere was my political son for more than 23 years. I picked him up from the US. And he was here. He started as a personal assistant in my office. I could remember his salary then was about N18,000. He was like my boy. He is like my son. So, I know him better than anyone knows him.

So, you feel he cannot be governor?

It will take a miracle of God. He is not electable.


Let me tell you. You see, attitude matters a lot. Human relations matter a lot. I know all my children. I would have preferred that Madumere goes for governor because I made him chief of staff. He didn’t run for election, I made him deputy governor. If I had taken him that far, you know I wanted him to be… But if I take him to the field, we will lose election even before we start.

But if you could give him chief of staff, deputy governor, why can’t he be governor?

No, because as a deputy governor, it was I that elected him. They don’t see him. But being governor means they will elect him and I know they will not elect him. In fact, Madumere, if you want to try what I have just said, Madumere should go for local government election. If Madumere wins local government election, then I will raise his hand up for president. Uche was never my choice. I tried to see how to manipulate it for either… I had five of them that I was showing my support.

Who were the other ones?

It was Madumere, Jude Ejiogu, Chike Okafor, Uche Nwosu and… I have forgotten the other person, but I will remember his name. But these four people, I gave them positions and I kept trying them to see how they will perform. This one was my commissioner for finance; this one was my chief of staff again, SSG; this one was my chief of staff, deputy governor; this one was my commissioner, chief of staff, that was Uche.

But Uche sold himself to the people that when I asked them to go to the field, let the people tell me who they want, because we must support a candidate. When they went out, Uche won the 27 over 27 local governments, so if I did not support Uche, Uche had gone for election, Uche would have won election with or without me – his popularity.

This is most worrisome reading in between lines, the uncouth vituperation from a man that was bankrupt before Imo people rescued him and his family with Governorship position.

To sum up, Rochas Okorocha is an unrepentant liar, very vindictive and clannish. His uncivilized behavior has gotten to a stage where the public should not take him serious having exhausted his relevance in the society.

The manner in which he governed Imo State is a typical indication that he is not only poor in the physical, but in the mind and in the spirit.

Notably, Rochas Okorocha did not tell his audience that he picked Madumere at “Eke Onunwa” Owerri, as it was in the case of his son-in-law, Uche Nwosu who was bundled along Wethderal road with rumpled coat according to Rochas.

The story line there is that if Rochas Okorocha met Madumere in far away United States of America and a truce between them on how he can partner with him ensued, it shows that the Mbieri Prince was already made before Okorocha met him.

What Okorocha also forgot is that if Madumere could be appealed to leave US and come home to assist him, it therefore means that Prince Madumere had and still has the qualities and all it takes to occupy any position of authority in Nigeria and beyond.

An average Imolites expects Rochas to explain to them what happened to their resources, lands, and buildings etc through out the eight years he held sway as Governor rather than diverting attention, while hiding under the cloak of insult against Madumere to thrive.

Painfully, Nigeria is too soft and quiet, otherwise, people like Rochas Okorocha who squandered public resources entrusted in him would have been given an open slaughter if it were in Dubai, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or Singapore.

A well trained criminal who escapes off hook when there is crisis. His latest modus Oparandi cannot be far from that tactics to jump bail. Imo people should firmly watch him before he escapes, but if ever he must escape from human beings, I assure you, Rochas Okorocha will never escape from God.

Though no one is wishing him death, but he has committed what is more than death. If during his days as Governor, there was restlessness, odium, opprobrium, gnashing of teeth, killings, humiliations, eviction, hunger and starvation, what else has Rochas not done in life?

~Kenneth Isiuzor is an Activist, Political Scientist and Good Governance Advocate Writes From Ideato, Imo State.

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