19th February 2025
Eastern News Sermon & Eternal Truth





Sunday, July 18, 2021

Topic: Truth teller

_Peter said, “Ananias, why did you let Satan rule your heart? You lied to the Holy Spirit. Why did you keep part of the money you received for the land for yourself? Acts 5:3_

In the book of Acts 5:1 – 11, we find the story o of Ananias and Sapphira who lied to God by saying that the money they had given to the Apostles was all the money from the sale of their land. They didn’t need to give all the money if they didn’t want to. They could have just said that they are only willing to give part of it. But they lied about it. God takes lying very seriously. God is a God of truth. Lying is opposite to His nature; it is the nature of devil, our enemy. Though God would strike us dead today if we lied, but He takes away the peace in our hearts if we have lied.
It is far better to tell the truth and face the punishment than to lie and lose our peace with God, and lose the trust that our parents or friends have in us. This is something we should think of before we lie. Trust is often broken. When someone lies, we cannot believe much of what they say anymore. So make it your choice today and every day, to always tell the truth – no matter how much trouble you are in. It’s the smart choice.
This means no more lies, no more pretense. The Bible in Ephesians 4:25 says “So you must stop telling lies. Tell each other the truth because we all belong to each other in the same body”

I would be, dear Saviour, wholly thine;
Teach me how, teach me how;
I would do thy will, O Lord, not mine,
Help me, help me now.
Wholly thine, wholly thine,
Wholly thine, this is my vow.
Wholly thine, wholly thine, wholly thine, O Lord, just now.

Lord, I pray that you will help me to always speak the truth and to be someone people can trust, who will bring honour to you. Amen

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NewsTrack Nigeria

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