4th March 2025
Eastern News Health News

VAPP Bill:Global Prolife Alliance Fights On As 26 States In The Country Pass It Into Law

VAPP Bill:Global Prolife Alliance Fights On As 26 States In The Country Pass It Into Law

As the Global Prolife Alliance (GPA) continues it’s relentless fight against the VAPP Bill that is said to be aimed at legalizing abortion, ordination of female catholic priests, coronation of females as kings, (Eze, Obi, Sultan), imprisonment of religious clergy (priests and Imans) for teaching morals in addition to same sex marriage the obnoxious bill seems to be gathering momentum as available records indicate that about 26 states in the country including Enugu, Abia, Ebonyi, Anambra, Lagos and the federal capital territory have passed it into law.

A release signed by Prof Philip Njemanze on behalf of the GPA highlighting how the framers of the bill and their billionaire philanthropist sponsors are using tricks, veiled and manipulative languages, including bribery to deceive and hoodwink the people into accepting their wicked plot with the sole aim of preparing the Nigerian society for the demonic terror of one world government rule.

The release also called on all well meaning people in the country to join hands with the group in ensuring that the VAPP laws are repealed in all states where they are presently operational.

According to the release, “the VAPP law does not define the main object of the law that is, the Definition of a ‘Person’.

A person is a human being from the beginning of life at ‘Conception’ to its end at ‘Natural Death’. The Nigerian State Legislators and Governors unknowingly because of deceptive simple English language passed Violence Against Person’s (VAPP) Law which contravene the core Religious Beliefs of the Nigerian People and all major Constitutional Provisions. The VAPP Law enacted.

1. The Ban of the Use of the Holy Bible and Holy Koran in Public places;

2. Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage;

3. Ordaination of Female Catholic Priests and Imams;

4. Coronation of Female Kings (Eze, Obi, Sultan, Emirs);

5. Imprisonment of Religious Clergy (Priests & Imams) and Parents for moral teachings and scolding of children.

The VAPP laws both National and State in the Section on “Emotional, verbal and psychological abuse” use broad terms to include preaching and admonishment on the pulpit by Reverend Fathers and Imams. Anyone could claim that, the message caused “psychological and emotional distress” which would be impossible to disprove. There was NO Exemption given to moral and religious teachings. The court would find that, the “preacher” engaged in a pattern of degrading or humiliating conduct towards persons, including repeated insults, ridicule or name calling such as “sinners”; repeated threats of “hell fire” that caused emotional pain; or the repeated exhibition of obsessive possessiveness such as ‘followers of Jesus Christ’ or ‘Prophet Mohammed’, which is of such nature as to constitute a serious invasion of such person’s privacy, liberty, integrity or security. The ‘Court’ could rule that, the Priest or Imam by pronouncing the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible and Prophet Mohammed in the Holy Koran provoked ‘emotional and psychological abuse’. Hence, the Holy Bible and Holy Koran are BANNED from Use in Public. The VAPP law should have stated an exemption clause such as “but does not include normal admonishment of children or persons to correct wrongdoings in private or public, in accordance with the customs, religious norms or accepted good social practices of the Nigerian People”.

The VAPP Law aims at Destruction of the Christian and Islamic Religions by decapitating their leaderships, which until now have followed the teachings of Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed. A woman who seeks ordination as a Catholic Priest would be refused by the All-Male Seminary citing the long held Church tradition of not ordaining women as Catholic Priests and Bishops because of the Male-Priesthood of Jesus Christ and His Apostles. The Judge would cite the VAPP Law, which classifies non-ordination of women or any discrimination as ‘harmful traditional and religious practices’, and would rule for ordination of women. Failure of the All-Male Catholic Seminary to admit the woman, would lead to closure of that seminary. The VAPP Law should have stated clearly that there is an exemption for ‘accepted good practices’ of customs, traditions and religious beliefs of the Nigerian People.’

The release further stated that, the VAPP Law introduces the term “Economic Abuse” to include ‘Succession Rights’. This would mean that, if the first girl in the family of an Eze is jumped in the line of succession according to Igbo customs and tradition, the Eze or the village King-makers would go to jail for three years (see relevant Sections in all laws). The aim is to crown women Kings or Ezes in Igbo land and elsewhere in Nigeria, which would result in rejection by our people and a total breakdown of our traditional governance and the identity of the people and their customs.

The future Nigerian Society under full implementation of the VAPP Law would have no traditional power structure or customs. The aim of the international sponsors is to destroy who we are as a people, and give Total Allegiance to the One World Government! A revision must omit ‘Succession Rights’ as Economic Abuse, it should rather read “economic abuse” means ‘forced financial dependence; denial of inheritance rights in a manner that violates the Fundamental Rights of the Person as stipulated the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and generally accepted good social practices and traditions of the peoples of Nigeria’. First, the VAPP Law must be repealed and rendered null and void, of no effect in all current forms.

– Watchdog

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NewsTrack Nigeria

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