5th March 2025
News Sermon & Eternal Truth



Eastern Nigeria Union Conference Children’s Ministries Department


Monday, October 25, 2021

Topic: God’s Peace

_And God’s peace will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. The peace that God gives is so great that we cannot understand it. Philippians 4:7_

Do you have peace? Peace often seems elusive. There are so many things to worry about each day, not to mention peace in the troubled world around us. Because we don’t have control over most things, we can often find ourselves filled with fear and anxiety. How do we find real, lasting peace?

True peace comes from the Holy Spirit. Above all, the peace of being made right with God comes by Jesus’ work of salvation, applied to us through the work of the Holy Spirit. Being right with God provides eternal peace.

That’s wonderful news, but how do we find peace to ease our everyday fears and anxieties? Peace in our daily lives—in the midst of and despite constant turmoil and uncertainty—comes to us as a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). The peace of the Holy Spirit brings well-being, contentment, and wholeness, whatever the circumstances.

But like the other fruit of the Holy Spirit, we can’t produce this kind of spiritual peace on our own. We can, however, ask the Spirit today to continue working in our hearts to grow the fruit of peace that allows confident living and service. And we can be assured that the Spirit will give us “the peace of God, which transcends all under¬standing” and which guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

My peace I give unto you
It’s a peace that the world
Cannot give
It’s a peace that the world
Cannot understand
Peace to know, peace to live
My peace I give unto you

Dear Jesus, forgive me when I am filled with anxiety and fear. May your Holy Spirit continue to bear the fruit of peace in my heart so that I can joyfully serve you. Amen.

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NewsTrack Nigeria

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