Seventh-Day Adventist Church Devotional For Children: “In The Beginning”

Eastern Nigeria Union Conference
Children’s Ministries Department.
Sunday, 16 January, 2022.
*Topic: In the Beginning*
“ _In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1)_
What on this earth has no beginning? The Bible in Genesis 1:1 tells us that this earth which is the home of man and everything in it has a beginning. If this world and everything in it has a beginning, the question that is very important is who made the earth and all that is in it from the beginning?
The answer is not farfetched; the Bible said that God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning. This simply means it took God who has no beginning to create everything from the beginning. God has no beginning and no ending; He is the beginner of everything.
The year 2021 began on 1st January 2021 and ended on 31st December 2021. That is the cycle of a year which God had made. Another cycle of a year just began on 1st January, 2022. We are all happy to see the beginning of the New Year. But you need to remember that someone is responsible for this happy beginning of New Year and that is God your maker. Acknowledging Him and deciding to begin the year with Him is a decision you must have to take to guarantee a prosperous and blessed year.
You have to begin this New Year and every new day by acknowledging your maker by singing praises to Him, hearing from Him through His inspired word (The Bible), meditating on His word and resolving to do His will.
I will early seek the Savior,
I will learn of Him each day;
I will follow in His footsteps,
I will walk the narrow way.
For He loves me, yes, He loves me,
Jesus loves me, this I know.
Jesus loves me, died to save me,
This is why I love Him so.
Dear Lord, I thank you for your grace and faithfulness over my life and for bringing me into this New Year 2022. I pray Lord that you help me to begin with you, learn of you, follow you and walk with you daily and may your blessing be mine in Jesus name, Amen!