11th January 2025
News Sermon & Eternal Truth

Seventh-Day Adventist Devotional For Children: “Bountiful Blessings”

Seventh-Day Adventist Devotional For Children: “Bountiful Blessings”


Eastern Nigeria Union Conference Children’s Ministries


Tuesday, March 8, 2022


” _And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.” – Deuteronomy 28:2._

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 describes the blessings that will come upon us if we obey the Lord. These blessings include, personal, family, and especially national blessings.

However there are conditions upon which the blessing is promised namely:
1. that we diligently hearken to the voice of God (v. 1, 2), that we hear God speaking to us by His word, and use our utmost endeavours to acquaint ourselves with His will, v. 13.

2. That we keep the commandments of God (v. 9) and walk in His ways. Not only do them for once, but keep them for ever; not only set out in His ways, but walk in them to the end.

3. that we should not go aside either to the right or to the left, either to superstition on the one hand, or profaneness on the other; and particularly that we should not go after other gods (v. 14), which was the sin, all others were prone to, and God hates it.

God promised that His providence would prosper us in all our outward concerns. These blessings were said to overtake us, v. 2. Good people sometimes, under the sense of their unworthiness, are ready to fly from the blessing and to conclude that it belongs not to them,; but the blessing shall find them out and follow them notwithstanding.
We shall be victorious over our enemies, and prosper in all our wars. We shall have success in all our employments, which would be a constant satisfaction to us.
Several things were enumerated in which God by His providence would bless us:- We shall be safe; a blessing shall rest upon us wherever we were, in the city, or in the field. Whether our habitation is in town or country, whether we we’re students, husbandmen or tradesmen, we shall be preserved from the dangers and have the comforts of our condition. This blessing shall attend us in our journeys, going out and coming in, v. 6. Our persons shall be protected, and the things we go about shall succeed.

Observe here, What a necessary and constant dependence we have upon God both for the continuance and comfort of this life. We need him at every turn, in all the various movements of life; we cannot be safe if He withdraws His protection, or easy if He suspends His favour; but, if He blesses us, go where we will, it is well with us.

Lord, I hear of show’rs of blessings
Thou art scatt’ring full and free.
Show’rs the thirsty souls refreshing;
Let some drops now fall on me.
Even me, Lord, even me.
Even me, yes, even me.
Let some drops now fall on me.
Let some drops now fall on me.

Dear Lord, you have bountiful blessings in store for me but Satan does not want me to be a partaker of those blessings. Help me to always obey you so as to benefit from all your blessings in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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NewsTrack Nigeria

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