Seventh-Adventist Devotional For Children: “The Saviour Lives”

Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Topic: The Saviour lives
But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruit of them that slept. For since by one man came death, by one man came also the resurrection of the death. For as in Adam all died, even so in Christ shall all be made alive 1 Corinthians 15:20-22.
The scripture is clear about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Christ was not born, died, buried and resurrected, our hopes would have been in vain. When Christ resurrected, He appeared to Peter, to the twelve apostles, to more than five hundred believers, even to James.Today He is with us even as unworthy as we are. Because He lives, we have a blessed assurance that when He will come again those who died in Christ will rise again clothed with immortality to meet our Lord Jesus Christ. But if Christ has not risen, our faith would have been futile and our lives would have been miserable. Death came in to the world through one man -Adam, so also through Christ we have an everlasting life. With this, I encourage everyone to hold firm to that which we believe, because there is hope for eternity through Christ Jesus.
Do we believe that Christ was born, died, buried and resurrected? Do we believe that Christ will come again? Do we believe that when He comes again, both the living and the dead in Christ will see Him in that glorious morning? If these are our beliefs, let us be faithful as we wait for His soon return.
I serve a risen savior, He’s in the world today,
I know that He is living, whatever men may say,
I see His hands of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer
And just the time I need Him, He’s always near.
He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me, along life’s narrow way!
He lives, He lives, salvation to impact!
You ask me how I know He lives!
He lives within my heart.
Our father in heaven, thank you for calling us into your marvelous grace. Forgive us all our wrong doing. Help us acknowledge and appreciate your suffering at the cross of Calvary that we may live our lives according to your directions as you prepare us for your soon coming. May we be part of that glorious morning when you will come to take us to your kingdom, in Jesus name, Amen