Seventh-Day Adventist Devotional For Young People: “LUST”

DAILY CONNECTION – A Devotional for the young people
By Eastern Nigeria Union Conference Youth Ministries of Seventh Day Adventist Church
Theme: LUST
June 4
“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” (Gal. 5:16, NIV).
The flesh is known by a long catalogue of sins, the spirit by a “like” catalogue of Christian graces, the mere mention of which, is enough to show that the law has no power over them.
Mr. Watson, a 53-year-old African who worked with Ray construction in Georgia, was among other things, known for his smoking lifestyle. He continued in the flesh until he died of lung cancer as a result of smoking in April 2013. His son Williams who was also an ardent smoker, repented upon the death of his father, through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Before then he refused all the appeals from his mother to drop the habit. Williams confessed that he thought it was impossible for him to survive without tobacco. He stated that living without smoking has been the best life ever. He testified that “Jesus holds me now by the hand and the spirit lives in me” His comments came during a memorial service in honour of his father.
Many people have good faith and have set themselves up to conquer personal evil lusts, but shamefully they found that the net result of their struggle was to make the lusts more conspicuous and powerful- No wonder Paul opined in Romans 7:24 ” What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?”
Indeed! The arm of flesh will fail us, but when the spirit guides, we shall conquer the lusts of the flesh and then, continue to be victorious. Our lives under his control will be transformed, willing to submit to his will, obedient to his corrections, trusting his words, and depending on him alone.
Heavenly Father, help us to walk in the spirit day by day and to submit to his guidance so that we will not succumb to the desires of the flesh, but rather walk in the newness of life. Amen!
Koobari T. Goote (Rivers East Conference)