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Seventh-Day Adventist Devotional For Children: “A New Creation In Christ”

Seventh-Day Adventist Devotional For Children: “A New Creation In Christ”



Thursday, June 8, 2023

TOPIC: A New Creation in Christ.

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17.

A Godly grandmother shared a joyful news on how her grandson became a Christian. He used to be the village drunk, and his family thought he would end up in jail. But the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ has dramatically changed him. The grandmother calls it a miracle. His neighbors still can’t believe that he can now welcome people to his house for Bible study not even for drinks. The apostle Paul says that when God’s power and grace touch a human heart, a spectacular change happens. It’s not some kind of masquerade or plastic surgery. In Christ a former sinner becomes a brand-new person on the inside.
As we reflect on this, let us remember that in the very beginning, all things were made through Christ. But the original creation became polluted with sin. And now, again through Christ, we can become restored or be created anew. Can you see why Christ plays such a crucial role in our walk of faith? In Christ we become reconciled to God by making a faith commitment. Our relationship with God cannot be re- established without His Son. And once we are reunited to God, we become Christ’s ambassadors. God is making an appeal to others through us. Are you a new creation in Christ? If so, have you joined His diplomatic service, inviting others to be reconciled to God?

Thought for Reflection:
We are to live in sweet communion with the lovely Lord Jesus and only do those things that we hear from Him. Let us always remember that in Christ we are not the old model, tokunbo, refurbished, repaired or mended. It is not the old life that God reconditions or restores. We are not simply set-right, but made an entirely new person; we are born into a new creation; we are identified with Christ.

Song :
O happy day that fixed my choice
On Thee, my Savior and my God!
Well may this glowing heart rejoice,
And tell its raptures all abroad.
Happy day, happy day,
When Jesus washed my sins away!
He taught me how to watch and pray,
And live rejoicing every day;
Happy day, happy day,
When Jesus washed my sins away!

Prayer :
Heavenly Father, we praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ!. Thank You, that in Christ all things are made new. Thank You that in Christ, old things have passed away, and I have been made a new creation, in Him. Help me to truly understand that this amazing truth is not only something for the future but something that took place the moment I believed in Christ as Saviour. I pray that I may come to a deeper understanding of what it is to be a part of a new, and heavenly creation in Christ, in Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

Parents/Grandparents Virtue Prayer challenge – MERCY.
May my children and grandchildren always “be merciful, just as [their] Father also is merciful” (Luke 6:36).

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NewsTrack Nigeria

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