3rd March 2025
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The Time Of The End As Catholic Church Fulfils Prophesy As Beast: What Did Bishop Strickland Of Tyler Texas Do? Controversy Explained As Vatican Investigates Parish Priest 

The Time Of The End As Catholic Church Fulfils Prophesy As Beast: What Did Bishop Strickland Of Tyler Texas Do? Controversy Explained As Vatican Investigates Parish Priest 

Most people who still think that Bible is a mere literature should think twice because every Prophesy in that greatest book is coming to pass.

Most of us may have been looking at the tech and it’s exploits as the mark of the beast, no, not at all. Yes, the tool can only be used by the son of lawlessness who would change time and propagate the the worship of idolatry and those who fail worship it shall be persecuted.

“…And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

“…And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

“…And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

“…Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 12:15-16.

Our world would certainly look for the beast, which appears as the lamb. All men of iniquity will look up to him to give Leadership because he accepts all manner of iniquity in its worship, including LGBTQ and every acts of blasphemy.

His name, system and number is already revealed – – 666. It is written on his forehead (the representative of the Son of God)…


Development in our world has no doubt proved the Bible right by the acceptance of worship of images, the dead and accepting into the house of God drag queens, homosexuals and ordaining as the servants of God, Satanism and embrace of voodoo, spiritism, Chaldeans and witches into the house of God.

Read a story by Anushree Madappa published on June 27, 2023 in sportskeeda.com over the son of Bishop Strickland below:

Bishop Strickland from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, is reportedly in the middle of a Vatican-led investigation over his administrative leadership in the parish, supposedly stemming from his controversial social media posts.

On Saturday, June 24, reports surfaced that Joseph Strickland, 64, was the subject of an inquiry known as an apostolic visitation, where the Vatican investigates a U.S parish for possible disciplinary action against a Bishop. On Sunday, The Pillar confirmed that Bishops Gerald Kicanas (formerly of Tucson) and Dennis Sullivan (of Camden, New Jersey), accompanied by two priests, conducted the visitation last week.

While the exact nature of the visitation is unknown, multiple reports citing sources close to the Diocese said that the investigation was in connection to Bishop Strickland’s increasingly polarizing comments on social media on issues related to LGBTQ rights, marriage, abortion and most recently, his criticism of a newly released Vatican document.

The Vatican document, among other things, reportedly included greater inclusion for LGBT people under topics for discussion at an October assembly. In a tweet on June 21, Strickland condemned the said document and said:

“It is a travesty that these things are even proposed for discussion. I pray that all who truly know Jesus Christ will not be deceived by this path. The Gospel welcomes all to repentance & sanctity, if there is no repentance the barriers to sanctity remain.”

Bishop Strickland from Tyler Texas held a protest against Dodgers for honoring a drag group

On Saturday, a source in the diocese, who spoke with EWTN News, said that during the apostolic visitation, Bishop Strickland, who has historically defended the conservative’s views on issues related to marriage and abortion, was questioned about his social media posts that were supposedly in breach of ecclesiastical protocol.




BREAKING: The Vatican has placed Texas Bishop Joseph Strickland under investigation after leading the Prayer March against the LA Dodgers last week.

The investigation comes in the wake of the bishop organizing a prayer rally in Los Angeles on June 16 to protest the Dodgers for honoring a drag group at the team’s annual Pride Night game.

Last month, in an intemperate social media post, the bishop targeted Pope Francis, saying that he rejected “his program of undermining the Deposit of Faith.” The tweet read:

“Please allow me to clarify regarding, “Patrick Coffin has challenged the authenticity of Pope Francis.” If this is accurate I disagree, I believe Pope Francis is the Pope but it is time for me to say that I reject his program of undermining the Deposit of Faith. Follow Jesus.”

The tweet appears to have incensed the higher powers in the Vatican, prompting an investigation over the bishop’s divisive social media posts.

In addition to bishop Strickland’s dissenting views, he is also accused of providing refuge to an expelled French nun, the former Mother Marie Ferréol. The nun was banished by Pope Francis in 2021 for criticizing the institute’s government.

At the time, the French Catholic newspaper La Croix said:

“She tried to pit one sister against another, as well as against the superiors, right up to Pope Francis, towards whom she made some very virulent remarks.”

While Bishop Strickland has yet to respond to the Vatican’s investigation, in a vague Tweet on Sunday, he wrote:

“To be persecuted for speaking the truth is an honor every Christian should be willing to embrace. It is walking with Jesus Christ who is Truth Incarnate. If we know Jesus it is easier to speak His Truth no matter what forces oppose us. The opposition is temporary, Jesus is forever.”

Bishop Strickland has been the Tyler, Texas diocese leader since 2012.

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