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Seventh-Day Adventist Devotional For Children: ” A Prayer for a Happy Heart”



Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Title: A Prayer for a Happy Heart

Remove far from me vanity and lies, give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me; lest I be full and deny thee, and say, who is the LORD? Or lest I be poor and steal and take the name of God in vain. Proverbs 30:8-9.

In the wise words of Proverbs 30:8-9, we find a beautiful prayer that speaks to the heart. Let’s explore the meaning behind these verses and discover the lessons they hold for us.

Avoiding Vanity and Lies: God, help us steer clear of things that puff us up with pride and falsehoods that lead us away from the truth. Instead, let’s focus on being true to ourselves and others, embracing honesty and humility.

Contentment in Every Situation: In our journey, we ask for just enough – not too much, not too little. God knows what is best for us. Whether we have plenty or little, let’s trust that God’s provision is perfect, and be content with the blessings He provides.

A Balanced Prayer for Our Hearts: It’s like walking on a tightrope between poverty and riches. Instead of wishing for too little or too much, let’s ask God to give us just what we need. This way, we can be happy and grateful, no matter what we have.

Imagine a prayer like this: “God, give us just what we need, so we don’t become too full and forget about You, nor become too poor and resort to dishonest ways.” It’s a heartfelt plea for balance in our lives.

Being Thankful and Humble: Let’s remember to thank God for the good times and remain humble in challenging moments. God, help us not to be greedy with food. We shouldn’t eat too much or always want more. Being thankful for what we have is like having a treasure that keeps our hearts happy and healthy. Whether we have an abundance or face scarcity, cultivating a heart of gratitude and humility keeps us close to God.

Respecting Others and God’s Rules: Stealing is a big no-no! God told us not to take things that don’t belong to us. And let’s guard our hearts against denying God or misusing His name – we should never use God’s name in a way that doesn’t show respect. That’s like breaking a special rule that reminds us to be good. Whether we have plenty or little, may our actions and words reflect our love and respect for Him.

So, dear friends, let’s make this prayer our own. May it guide us to be content, honest, humble, and always close to the heart of our loving God.

Thought for Reflection:
Being happy is not about having the most toys or the fanciest things. It’s about being thankful for what we have and always being honest. A heart full of gratitude and truthfulness brings real joy! Apply the prayer from Proverbs 30:8-9 in your daily life. Seek contentment in what you have, express gratitude for both abundance and scarcity, and guard your heart against actions or words that may lead you away from God.

When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings; name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

Count your blessings;
Name them one by one.
Count your blessings;
See what God hath done.
Count your blessings;
Name them one by one.
Count your many blessings;
See what God hath done.

Dear God, Thank you for the wisdom found in Proverbs 30:8-9. Help us to live out this prayer in our daily lives, seeking simplicity, contentment, honesty, and humility. Grant us the strength to guard our hearts and remain close to You, whether in times of plenty or scarcity. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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NewsTrack Nigeria

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