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Seventh-Day Adventist Devotional For Children: Our Incomparable God

Seventh-Day Adventist Devotional For Children: Our Incomparable God



Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Title: Our Incomparable God

To whom will you liken Me, and make Me equal And compare Me, that we should be alike? – Isaiah 46:5

Have you ever tried to compare God to something or someone? Maybe you’ve thought, “God’s love is like my mom’s love for me,” or “God’s power is like a superhero.” But the truth is, God cannot be compared to anything or anyone. He is completely unique and unlike anyone else in the whole universe.

In the Bible, in the book of Isaiah, it says, “To whom will you liken Me, and make Me equal And compare Me, that we should be alike?” (Isaiah 46:5). This means there is no one like God. His love, His power, His mercy, His grace—everything about Him is beyond what we can even imagine.

God’s Love: Think about the love you feel from your family and friends. It’s wonderful, right? But God’s love is even greater! It’s wider, deeper, and more amazing than any love we’ve ever known. No one’s love in this world can compare to God’s love for us.

God’s Power: Sometimes we see strong people or superheroes in movies, and we think they’re powerful. But God’s power is far beyond anything we’ve seen. He created the whole world, the stars, and everything in it. He knows each one of us by name and loves us more than we can imagine. That’s how mighty He is! Isn’t that incredible?

God’s Holiness: God is holy, which means He is perfect and pure without any sin. His holiness makes Him shine with glory and splendor. There is no one like our God.

So, what does this mean for us? This means there is no one like God. He is unique and special in every way! He is the best, the greatest, and there is no one who even comes close to being like Him.

When we pray to God, we are talking to the God without equal. He listens to us, cares for us, and helps us every day. So, when you think about how amazing God is, remember that there is no one like Him. He is truly one-of-a-kind!

You are loved by a God who is unlike anyone else. Keep talking to Him and learning more about His incredible love for you!

Thought for Reflection/Life Application:
Today, let’s take time to think about how amazing our God is. Let’s worship Him for being so unique and incredible. His love, power, and holiness are beyond anything we can imagine. Instead of comparing Him to things or people in this world, let’s just be in awe of Him.

  1. Reflect on how God is unlike anyone or anything else. His love, power, and holiness are beyond compare. Take time to thank Him for being so amazing.
  2. When we think about love, power, or goodness, we might try to compare God to things in this world. But let’s remember that God’s love is greater than any love we’ve known, His power is mightier than anything we’ve seen, and His holiness is perfect without any flaw.
  3. Let’s approach God with awe and wonder, knowing that He is truly incomparable. We can worship Him for His greatness and thank Him for loving us so much.
  4. Knowing that God is incomparable, let’s strive to live in a way that reflects His love and holiness. We can show kindness, share His love with others, and trust in His power to guide us.
    Remember, God is unlike anyone or anything else. Let’s take time to think about His greatness and thank Him for all He is! Song
    O Lord my God
    When I in awesome wonder
    Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made
    I see the stars
    I hear the rolling thunder
    Thy power throughout the universe displayed
    Then sings my soul
    My Saviour God to Thee
    How great Thou art
    How great Thou art
    Then sings my soul Prayer
    Dear Lord, thank you for being our incomparable God. May the truth of your love, power, and holiness, which are beyond anything we know, sink deep into our hearts. Help us to remember that there is no one like you, and may we live each day in awe of your greatness Help us to remember that there is no one like you and may we live and worship You each day in awe of your greatness with hearts full of gratitude. Thank you for loving us so much. As we go through our days, help us to see glimpses of your love and power in the world around us. Give us the courage to live for you, showing kindness to others and sharing your love wherever we go. Please watch over us, our families, and our friends. Guide us in everything we do, and help us to always choose what is right. We thank you for being our heavenly Father, who is always with us. Help us to trust in your perfect plan for our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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