Duru Celebrates Son’s High School Graduation

It is the expectation of every parents to see their children achieve success in every facet of life, especially in their academics and career.It is the same expectation for Mr Michael Duru who hosted a big House party to celebrate his Son, Obinna Duru, having graduated George Bush High School, Houston , Texas.

According to Duru Snr, “You can see that I am all smile for what God has done for me, seeing my Son through the High School.
“It is not an easy task to groom Children here in the United States because of their norms, tradition and tenets of laws guiding how you train your children.

“Again, the children easily deviate from the path most parents had laid for them to follow so as not to get into trouble or even get into a certain life style that might bring them to ruin. High School is very critical because this age bracket is the age of consciousness where they query every little thing you say and even take on debate.

“Yes, I am celebrating God’s Faithfulness, providence, guidance and grace upon my Son”.
Speaking with the new graduated celebrating his first Son who has just graduated from the High School.
He noted that grooming children in the United States is not an easy responsibility because of the child rights and other legal codes, which the country takes seriously.

He thanked God for giving him listening children, who have not deviated from his principles of obedience even though they are very inquisitive.
Speaking to the graduate and the celebrant, Obinna said he is overjoyed for the way God led him through the High School.
He thanked his parents for their efforts and for exposing confidence in him.
On what next, he said: ” I am already shopping for apartment in readiness for College.
“I am going to study Cyber Security. I love Computer”, he said.

Speaking further he said his choice of Cyber Security is also hinged on today’s labour market where ICT and Cyber Security are in high demand.
He also said that it is his intention to make his parents proud for all they have done for him even in times of difficulties.
Meanwhile, Obinna ‘s Auntie, Caro congratulated Obinna Duru for graduating in flying colours. She also admonished to be of good b behavior and to study hard to make real his ambition.
Chief Charles Egwim was also present in solidarity to the the family, congratulating the parents and the young Obinna. He prayed to God to continue to guide, protect and grant him success in his next stage of academic voyage.
Earlier before the party began, Pastor Yomi Akinnola started with payers and admonishing from the Book of Isaiah 42:9. He committed the young Obinna, parents and his siblings into God’s hands, praying for protection, guidance, wisdom and greater accomplishments in the nearest future.
The high point of was event was when Michael Duru gave his testimonies followed by when Obinna and his friends took over the stage to put up a dancing show of gladness.