19th December 2024
News Sermon & Eternal Truth

Seventh-Day Adventist Devotional For Children: “Recognise The Strange Voice”

Seventh-Day Adventist Devotional For Children: “Recognise The Strange Voice”


Eastern Nigeria Union Conference Children’s Ministries


Wednesday, April 27, 2022


_Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel answered, Speak, for Your servant hears.” 1 Samuel 3 : 10_

God is ready to call us if we are ready to recognize His voice. When something is going on God reveals it to us, If we are obedient to God.
Samuel was an obedient child, that was why God called him and revealed to him what was going to happen to his master Eli and his family. But when God called him, he thought it was the master’s voice, not knowing that it was the voice of God. The voice came three times and Eli recognized the voice. Eli told him to go and lie down and it shall be, if He calls you, that you shall say, “Speak, Lord for Your servant hears.” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. And the Lord came and stood, and called as at other times, “Samuel, Samuel” then Samuel answered, speak Lord, for thy servant heareth.
Child of God, you should be obedient and prayerful so that God will speak to you and reveal so many things to you just like He did to Samuel. Answer quickly when He calls you and He will save you and prosper you with wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

Hark! the voice of Jesus calling
Who will go and work today?
Fields are white, the harvest waiting,
Who will bear the sheaves away”?
Loud and long the Master calleth,
Rich reward He offers still
Who will answer, gladly saying,
Here am I, O Lord, send me”?

Dear Lord Jesus, sin has blocked my ear that I cannot hear when you calls me, pls forgive my sin and give me the grace I need to hear your voice so that I will be obedient and prayerful like Samuel in Jesus name Amen.

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NewsTrack Nigeria

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