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Persecution of Christians: US Congressman vows to monitor Fulani attacks and Buhari regime in 2020

Persecution of Christians: US Congressman vows to monitor Fulani attacks and Buhari regime in 2020

Prominent human rights champion, US Congressman Chris Smith, has welcomed the addition of Nigeria to the persecutors warning list, promising to monitor Fulani attacks and the Muamad Buhari regime in 2020.

Mr. Smith, the congressman who traveled the most in Nigeria to meet victims and consult widely with stakeholders on religious freedom, said Friday in a statement: “We will pay particular attention to Nigeria and the deteriorating situation under the government of President Muhammadu Buhari in the year ahead.

“President Buhari must address the murderous attacks conducted by Fulani extremists on Christians in the Middle Belt and the oppression of Shia Muslims in Kaduna State.”

In the statement issued ours after the US State Department’s designated the present administration in Nigeria one of the world’s worst violators of religious freedom,

Congressman Smith called upon the State Department “to monitor the actions of Miyetti Allah with regard to its complicity in attacks by Fulani extremists.”

The statement reads: “I welcome the State Department’s designation of Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan as Countries of Particular Concern (CPC), given their systematic, ongoing and egregious violations of religious freedom.

“Congress has spoken out in particular with respect to Xi Jinping’s all-out effort to “Sinicize” all religion in China, advancing legislation to protect Uyghur Muslims, Tibetan Buddhists and other believers. I further hope that the Executive Office for Immigration Review pays special attention to the designation of Eritrea as a CPC, and withholds removal of those fleeing persecution from that country.

“Additionally, I welcome the inclusion of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Nigeria and Sudan on the Special Watch List for engaging in or tolerating severe violations of religious freedom, joining prior designees Comoros, Russia and Uzbekistan. However, the jury is still out as to whether Sudan deserves its upgrade from CPC status.

“We will pay particular attention to Nigeria and the deteriorating situation under the government of President Muhammadu Buhari in the year ahead. President Buhari must address the murderous attacks conducted by Fulani extremists on Christians in the Middle Belt and the oppression of Shia Muslims in Kaduna State. I also call upon the State Department to monitor the actions of Miyetti Allah with regard to its complicity in attacks by Fulani extremists.

“Finally, I question the absence of India and Turkey on the Special Watch List.

“India’s government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi has become especially intolerant toward religious minorities, notwithstanding the promise of India’s secular constitution which guaranties equality of all its citizens, regardless of their faith tradition.

“Turkey under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues to impose unjustifiable restrictions on the internal practices of the Greek Orthodox Church, particularly by controlling who can participate in the Church’s Holy Synod to elect the Patriarch and in failing to reopen the Halki Seminary, despite pledges to do so. According to the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights, Turkey has engaged in wholesale destruction and looting of the religious and cultural patrimony of occupied Cyprus, and its decision to convert the Church of St. Savior of Chora into as mosque – which signals an intent to do the same with the Hagia Sophia, a world treasure – merits its inclusion on the Special Watch List.”

Reacting to the statement, the Washington-based US NIGERIA LAW GROUP said: “We welcome Congressman Smith’s commitment to monitor the Buhari regime’s deteriorating situation in 2020.

“We especially commend his forthrightness in directly identifying the issue of the Killer Fulani Herdsmen. This is much better than the new report of the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court which did not for one second mention the Killer Fulani Herdsmen atrocities but rather euphemistically and falsely referred to the most horrific genocidal attacks in Nigeria today as “communal conflicts.”

According to the group in an e-mailed message to News Express signed by the Managing Partner, Emmanuel Ogebe, “With this development, although Buhari has subjugated all arms of democracy at home, the international community has shown that there will be accountability for human rights abroad.

“Buhari may not be subject to impeachment here but he is susceptible to censure. Events in America show democracy at work while events in Nigeria show democracy is dead.”

  • PHOTO: International human rights lawyer Emmanuel Ogebe with veteran US Congressman and human rights champion Chris Smith at the Congress on December 10, 2019

Source: News Express

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NewsTrack Nigeria

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